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The House Hairdressing

8.5 / 10

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The House Hairdressing and beauty, Marbella. We have a salon in Calahonda 951 666 774. A very warm welcome to The House, or should we say Our House Thomas & Anita have been hairdressing for 25 years and are really excited about bringing their knowledge to Spain. They both have many strings to their bow and would like to tell you about a few of them, but first let's tell you about The House. Leer más
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The House Hairdressing Puntuación en las redes sociales:
8.5 / 10
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The House Hairdressing tiene un total de 897 visitas ("checkins") y 2114 "likes".
20 opiniones de The House Hairdressing. Puntuación media 5 av 5.